This character is 5,557 polygons (10,302 triangles) with a 2048px color map. I also made Normal and Roughness maps, which can optionally be used at half resolution.

This character includes bones for facial expressions.

I made idle, walk, and run animations, as well as some expressive reactions.


The concept for this character originally came from a selected result from a friend’s random generation toy, which I made an illustration from.

My concept illustrations

My concept illustrations

I experimented with some material masking and combination ideas in Blender while making this character, but wasn’t satisfied with the results compared to the hand-painted colouring this time.

combining several material layers (with colour, roughness, and normal maps) into one with a mask

combining several material layers (with colour, roughness, and normal maps) into one with a mask

I recently posted a tutorial sharing my face animation armature rig technique here: